You are probably wondering if this government records search site really works and whether or not it is worth joining. Well for one thing, the quality of public records search sites are improving daily due to the intense and diverse competition. Now you can have access to the same people search tools that private investigators use. For example, if you are looking for government public records on any person, be it their criminal records, marriage records, death records, court records, sex offenders, a persons address, or even just phone numbers, you should be able to find what you need using this public records search site.

This government records center web site is a subscription service. After you paid a small fee you then have access to a very large online governmental records database. It is of course possible that some of these records are available in other locations on the Internet but at government registry the information is all located at one location and is easy to access. This service allows you to access any of these records with ease.

Additionally, the service is legal and your searches are completely anonymous calming concerns that your searches linked back to you.


Government Registry Home Page

Ease of Use:

Using Government Registry is fairly easy to use. If you can do a online search, than you can use Government Registry. The site makes it easy for you to conduct a range of searches based on the information you need.

Customer Support:

Government Registry provides users with an efficient online email form that directs you to different departments for technical problems or payment questions. This system seems to be adequate for most people.

Actual Customer Feedback

Now I have a copy of my grandfather's obituary. Thanks Governmentregistry. Mrs. Linda Patterson

Government Registry Home

With one quick search I was able to locate all the court files I needed for my report! " Mrs. Hillary Geller

Government Registry Home

Our Research on Government Registry Suggests:

Government Registry Overall Score:


With their powerful database and research tools it’s no surprise that www Government Registry is a favorite over most of its competitors.

Please note Government Registry is no longer available. Please use Court Record Finder

Government Registry Home

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